Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Attention Please!" B Moses

A native of Columbus Ohio, B-Moses is a highly respected individual amongst his community. Very dedicated to his faith, and seemingly peculiar, he’s a man with many layers. If you are fortunate to be shown any of the multiple sides of who he is you will walk away with a different outlook on life and a new respect for the order of the kingdom of God. A newlywed to the marriage game, but highly devoted to his new found role has chief and priest of his home. This fella is more than the triple threat, but he may just be perceived by his adversary as a terrorist.
 B-Moses is currently in the studio working on another project. This man seems to be one of Ohio’s greatest secrets un-kept to the masses outside of its cornfields but concealed by the farmland within. His current release, “Reppin the King,” has proven to be a serious head banger with a thick and very potent lyrical content. With songs like “Respond with Faith,” “The Struggle,” and “Live with It.” You are sure to have conveyed to you what a B-Moses message really is. Redemption, perseverance, faith, and the power of true conviction through a love for what’s real to him.

Currently there is a silent buzz going on in regards to his song “He Is real.” This song is tackling major issues affecting men in and out of church today. Homosexuality, and molestation. IN a world where most men tend to shy away from topics of this nature to avoid having their masculinity confronted and questioned this dude seems to rise above the eye glares and whispers and throws the problem face to face with a solution that can help, save, heal, and deliver. In a short interview with this man I wanted to see who he was as the man, what his thoughts were on current issues like the youth, and what other knowledge he would drop.

MM: How long have you been doing this and who were your influences then(when you first started)? Who influences you now?

 BMOSES: I’ve been doing this for Christ for 7 years. I’ve been rapping for a little over 10 year’s total. When I first started out rapping for the lord my influence was cross movement. And today I would have to say my influences are Lecrae, Tripp Lee, KamB.I.N.O, and the Elevationists, just to name a few.

MM:  Since your first time with a mic in your hand, or in your first studio session, how would you say you have grown in your particular gift?

BMOSES: I think I have grown in confidence when on stage, and I believe that I have matured in my writing. Not just skill wise, but content as well. Gaining a better understanding of the word of God contributes to the maturity of my content

MM:  After experiencing your ministry, what is it that you want people to walk away with?

BMOSES: For the unsaved person, I want them to walk away with an undeniable conviction regarding who Jesus is, and the need to connect with God. Not just religiously, but seeking a true relationship with God. For the saved, or born again Christian. I want them to walk away edified and encouraged in the lord, as well as a renewed appreciation and reverence for God.

MM:  I have never really had the interest in rap of any kind until I heard three artists, Lacrae, d.a.t.r.u.t.h, and yourself. It is safe to say that with as many youth that are trying to make it in the gangster rap arenas; you have the same amount striving for the goal in gospel rap. What differentiates you from others?

BMOSES: I don’t know if I can say it is the same amount of Christian youth that are desiring to be "gospel rappers" as there are young people trying to make it as a secular rapper. But the number of Youth desiring to do Christian rap is definitely increasing more and more every day. I think what differentiates me from others is the message in my music. I try to give substance in my music. Based and rooted in the word of God, but also balanced with a gift to deliver it in such a way that it is not hard to digest. I want everything I touch to be anointed and spirit led. At least that is my goal for everything I put out there.

MM:  Is there a difference between B Moses the voice we hear on disk and B Moses the man we see walking life out?
BMOSES: Nope! Same Well, I’m not perfect. Some days I fall short of expectations as we all do at times; but I don’t preach and teach something I don’t strive for myself.  As far as my personality in the music, there is nothing fake or fabricated. Pretty much, I am my everyday self. Not trying to sound like any other rappers or ministers. So pretty much, what you hear is what you get.

MM:  Thus far what has been your greatest accomplishment?

BMOSES: I think my greatest accomplishment thus far is keeping the faith. Through storms, trials, tribulations, and things that were designed to derail my faith. By the grace of God I’m still holding up the blood stained banner, and fighting the good fight! God knows what I’ve endured in my life, and it’s only by his grace and mercy that I’m able to function.

MM:  What is one piece of information that you can remember being told to you that has affected your entire life?

BMOSES: That man will let you down and fail you every time, but God will always remain faithful! Sounds cliché' to some, but this has stuck with me. And it constantly reminds me to not put my trust in man, and allow them to be idols, and looking to them for what I should be looking to God for.

MM:  In your music you talk about how you “grew your hair out and thought you were a thug.” With all that you have overcome what advice do you give to young men walking behind you who seem to identify more with the streets then the church pews.

BMOSES: Yeah man, I tried to blend in with my surroundings, trying to fit in. Trying to be something or someone I was not. Peer pressure is often down played, but it is REAL! I believe it is even worse for today’s youth than it was 10 years ago.  My advice would be to not follow the crowds and the trends, get to know Jesus first and foremost. Always strive to become who God called YOU to be. It will be going against the grain, but people ultimately respect someone who is confident in whom they are, and aren't easily moved by the latest trend or movement. Be a leader NOT a follower.

MM:  In your opinion what is the greatest way to reach the youth today?

BMOSES: I think the greatest way to reach the youth today is to not only give them the real unadulterated truth that is God’s word, but also to strive to walk in what you’re teaching and preaching!! I’ve talked to several young people I’ve  dealt with in ministry, and many of them often complain about how their parents would be shouting , dancing and speaking in tongues at church. However at home their parents are cursing, fornicating and doing things that don’t line up with what they profess; and they wonder why there kids don’t want GOD. On a larger scale, there is a lot of compromise in the church today. Often times it is hard to tell the difference between the church and the world in some cases. Young people want something genuine and real, and a lot of them look at the church as a joke, and they don’t take it seriously. Mainly because of the hypocrisy they see

MM:  What is one thing you know for certain about people?

BMOSES: I know for certain that people can be fickle, and people will constantly let you down

MM:  What are you more surely now than ever before?

BMOSES: I’m more sure now than ever before that this flesh of ours stinks lol, and it can NEVER be trusted.

MM:  Complete these two phrases:

“In my life I know.  .  . “

BMOSES: In my life I know that God has given me an assignment that must be carried out. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of those that I’m called to

“The older I get the more.  .  .”

BMOSES: The older I get the more I realize how important it is to operate in wisdom. And not just zeal.

It is very apparent that this young man is grounded in what he believes, or at least when I walk away that’s one thing I carry with me in reguards to my opinion of him. You can catch B-Moses on, or

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