Tuesday, January 4, 2011

E mail! You have it, need it, and in today’s world, cannot live without it. We all need e mail to make it, ESPECIALLY AT WORK! I am a fortunate person of many to have a serious e mailing circle that helps get me through the day when it’s slow. There are five (5) of us!
Annie -Em
Johnny know no good, and myself. (They know who they are!)

Throughout the day we discuss a vast array of topics from current events, to finance, gossip blogs, to regular living. The co-workers who sit beside me at my regular 9 to 5 ( styling is my goal right now this corporate is paying the bills!) think I have some sort of issue as at any moment I may burst out laughing, silently squeal into quiet tears as the pressure that builds up in my face causes them to run because I won’t let me holler, we get angry we take sides but at the end of the day we come together to help each other make it through a work day that may be stressed, demanding, or downright wrong!
In the end we do it all over again the next day with the first arrivals hurling the mornings run and the stragglers coming on into the convo catching up! I am thankful for employment in today’s world but I am also thankful to have e mail buddies in the struggle trying to make it but also lending a shoulder. This indeed is not only a great support group but a circle of people who have influence with one another through a bond!
Today be thankful not only for your job, but for the resources you have to get you through a day in the life of your job when it becomes a little challenging!

Over the Christmas holiday I had the privilege of viewing “For Colored Girls.” This by far was a wonderful movie, with a great expressed theme of the joys and pain, and struggles of the African American woman. I enjoyed the film, but was somehow taken back at the fact that throughout the course of the film, it was as though men could do no right!

In the world in which we live today, the images thrown on us are the lazy, dead beats, with saggy pants, fuzzy braids, and hustles that turn more tricks then clowns in that little car at the circus. I am no dummy to big business women like chick flicks, and they will come in droves to see their counter parts be abused, beat, raped, played, dogged or just outright done wrong. Personally for me I think it’s a form of therapy that aids in the viewers ability to relate the characters on film.
Needless to say I know if any man brought his lady there for a date, the evening had to be rather awkward, and on the silent side (lol). Through it all I am not ashamed to say that I was a bit upset by yet another film where men do wrong. I am no angel I believe that I am an imperfect being striving for the shared eternity with a perfect God. With that said, I am still a man who, works everyday, who tends to his children loves his wife, supports her and pushes her to her max even when it makes her uncomfortable at times.
I am a man who gives back to his community one person at a time, I am a man and I am a good man. I still have issues but for once I would like to see a film where the small number of good men get the credit they are due! Credit is not a plaque, or a congratulatory speech, but it’s simply knowing that you are being seen, and you are being shown as an example. To me this type of credit strengthens a man’s awareness of his place to his family, his community and to his people. “For Colored Girls” was a wonderful film, I’d like to throw a pitch “for dark skin men!” lol hahahahahahahahah

Free indeed?

What does it really mean to be free? The dictionaries definition states:
·         the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
·         exemption: immunity from an obligation or duty

If I am to understand this, then to me freedom is the ability to live one’s life without the power of other persons, views, thoughts, or imposed mindsets affecting the outcome of the choices that an individual makes for his or herself. As we start out the walk of a new year I question as to if we are really free or are we merely getting by with the small tokens of freedom we have been given as a result of our small progress to break curses, bonds and unhealthy ties to our lives.

Are we totally free or does something still enslave our mind, our will, and our emotions? Has the way we have previously lived life seemingly programmed us to a way of living that we are used to, but because we no react on our own terms as opposed to another’s we consider ourselves freed? I think that we are way off, if we are only free from something physically then we still have the mental and emotion to go back and bring to freedom! We can no longer be content with small steps of what being free is, but we must settle at being totally free in all aspects of our lives!

It is not enough to partially detach from things that are unhealthy, as your partial detachment still renders you susceptible to the affects of the portions of your life where you are still attached. Freedom should be your life’s pursuits your soul’s aphrodisiac, and your hearts place of rest!