Alright! Many times I am very upset with whomever this lady has hired as her stylist, but today I'm not here to discuss that. Let’s talk about this single that's slowly being released to the masses and the impact that it has and will have on the brothas ability to lock down a winter mate for the cold season!
The song was written by Mr. R. Kelly himself but I don't think ANYONE could have sung the song better than our sister Kelly Price! The song opens up nice with strings and a nice intro, but still demanding attention. the opening phrase is
there's a hole in my heart and my soul is bleeding!
Ummm. . . Imma need America to know I was in the process of a weave installment and had to observe a momentary pause as this woman expressed what had her so full. Ladies and germs when she finished releasing herself I was free, she was free, and the weave that I was installing was almost free until I came to myself real quick and realized I was indeed tired of being broke (big laughs hahahahah lol)
Fellas! This is a 9-1-1, if you have not locked down your cold season contestant for the season you better get your grind on before! This song gets the playing time it deserves, as soon your gonna find your bed cold, your sheets chilled and your black book dwindling down to a gray shadow of what it used to be! Hahahahaha!
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